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Her voice wheezed and twanged like an untuned baliset. "Is he not small for his age, Jessica?" the old woman asked. The old woman was a witch shadow-hair like matted spiderwebs, hooded 'round darkness of features, eyes like glittering jewels. In parts that use a full-cast dramatization, it cuts out the exposition about characters speaking. The brilliant plotting was instrumental in making this one of the creepiest and most believable ghost stories I have ever read and the ending was beyond amazing.The Audible audio book (with Scott Brick and a full cast) is abridged in three ways: As you hear Maggie’s father read his book, and at the same time follow what is now happening to Maggie and what is going on at Baneberry Hall, you may begin to believe that the only explanation is that Baneberry Hall is truly haunted. If, like Maggie, you don’t believe in ghosts and think there is a rational explanation for everything you will love trying to figure out what that explanation is.

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Since Maggie doesn’t believe in ghosts, she decides to find out for herself what caused them to run from the house 20 years ago. All she really knows is that her father swore everything he wrote was true, and that on his deathbed he begged Maggie never to return to the house.

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She was only 5 when they lived there and she remembers nothing about the time, but since the book was essentially about her she is constantly bombarded with questions and made fun of by nonbelievers.

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Bookseller recommendation: "Maggie Holt was the central character of the bestselling memoir her father wrote about their 14 days living in the supposedly haunted Baneberry Hall.

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